Black Horse (A Dark Paradigm Conspiracy Thriller Book 3) by Jay Tinsiano & Jay Newton

Black Horse (A Dark Paradigm Conspiracy Thriller Book 3) by Jay Tinsiano & Jay Newton

Author:Jay Tinsiano & Jay Newton [Tinsiano, Jay & Newton, Jay]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Bonafide Publishing
Published: 2023-09-08T16:00:00+00:00


Zoe woke up Goya and commanded an online search as soon as she got home.

“Start my shower and get me the recruitment posts from Faben and Xael in London, then send them to my main computer.”

“No problem, Zoe, I’m on it,” came the response.

She made the shower a quick one and padded back to her computer set-up in her dressing gown. As requested, the screen had already been switched on, and the recruitment section waited.

The usual roles were being advertised in all departments, as expected for a large corporation, but as Zoe scanned, she couldn’t see any openings to apply for and get an interview with her skillset.

Another problem: The turnaround time for applying and getting an interview so she could get inside the building could take weeks or months.

She leaned back in her chair, her motivation evaporating.

There must be someone working there, I know, she thought.

She clicked over to LinkedIn and began scanning through the London-based employees. There were hundreds, and as she painstakingly scrolled through, it became clear she had no direct connections.

Zoe gave a long sigh and idly clicked around, her mind wandering.

Need coffee. That was clear why she wasn’t getting anywhere.

Then she found herself on the Faben New York Division page. The list of employees came up.

And one connection she did know was Mark Digham. She had dated him a few years before meeting Ed. The split was amicable and mutual as it hadn’t been going anywhere – just a bit of fun. Mark had moved job roles a few times, judging by his profile and ended up at Faben as a regional manager. Perhaps he could arrange an interview?

“Do I really want to go there?” she said out loud with a sigh.

“Go where?” Goya asked.

“Nothing. Deactivate for a while, Goya.”

Zoe also spotted another name from her past: Bea Lawson, who worked in the marketing department at the London building. A meeting with her would be the perfect reason to stay in the building after an interview.

She leaned forward and began typing a series of emails.


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